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Roasted Figs and Prosciutto - Ina Garten

Figs + Prosciutto = 2 of my favorite things!  This recipe from Ina Garten is a simple way to combine two delicious ingredients into one scrumptious appetizer.  If you haven't picked up a copy yet, Ina's latest cookbook - How Easy is That? - has quickly made its way to the top of my go-to list of cookbooks.  Ina's dishes always inspire me!

Good quality ingredients really make the difference in this recipe.  I paired Black Mission figs with good quality prosciutto, and fresh honey made in my area...Delish!

Every time I eat prosciutto, I can't help but think of our time spent in Italy a few years ago.  The prosciutto here in the USA just doesn't compare to the real thing...The prosciutto in Italy is the stuff dreams are made of!  I always try to purchase freshly sliced prosciutto whenever I can...The Fresh Market sells it here in Birmingham.  

In addition, good figs can be VERY difficult to find....even when they are in season.  To remedy this, I'm still trying to convince Brad that we need to plant our own fig tree.  I haven't made much progress yet, though...haha. 

One variation of this recipe would be to add a little ricotta cheese to each fig before wrapping it in prosciutto.  I made a batch this way, and they were divine!  

Bon Appetit!

Before going into the oven...

Roasted Figs & Prosciutto
Source:  How Easy is That?  by Ina Garten
  • 20 fresh figs
  • 15-20 slices Italian prosciutto (about 8 ounces)
  • 2 Tbs olive oil
  • 2 tsp honey
  • black pepper
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Snip the hard stems off the figs, and cut in half lengthwise through the stem.  With a small sharp knife, cut the prosciutto lengthwise into inch-wide strips. 

Wrap a slice of prosciutto around the center of each fig half, with the ends overlapping. 

In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil and honey.  Brush each fig with the mixture, and top with freshly cracked black pepper.

Roast for 10 minutes, or until the prosciutto is a little crisp and the figs are warmed through.  Serve warm. 


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